{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.Setup
-- Copyright   :  Isaac Jones 2003-2004
--                Duncan Coutts 2007
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  [email protected]
-- Portability :  portable
-- This is a big module, but not very complicated. The code is very regular
-- and repetitive. It defines the command line interface for all the Cabal
-- commands. For each command (like @configure@, @build@ etc) it defines a type
-- that holds all the flags, the default set of flags and a 'CommandUI' that
-- maps command line flags to and from the corresponding flags type.
-- All the flags types are instances of 'Monoid', see
-- <http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/cabal-devel/2007-December/001509.html>
-- for an explanation.
-- The types defined here get used in the front end and especially in
-- @cabal-install@ which has to do quite a bit of manipulating sets of command
-- line flags.
-- This is actually relatively nice, it works quite well. The main change it
-- needs is to unify it with the code for managing sets of fields that can be
-- read and written from files. This would allow us to save configure flags in
-- config files.

module Distribution.Simple.Setup (

  GlobalFlags(..),   emptyGlobalFlags,   defaultGlobalFlags,   globalCommand,
  ConfigFlags(..),   emptyConfigFlags,   defaultConfigFlags,   configureCommand,
  AllowNewer(..),    AllowNewerDep(..),  isAllowNewer,
  configAbsolutePaths, readPackageDbList, showPackageDbList,
  CopyFlags(..),     emptyCopyFlags,     defaultCopyFlags,     copyCommand,
  InstallFlags(..),  emptyInstallFlags,  defaultInstallFlags,  installCommand,
  HaddockTarget(..), haddockTargetFromFlag,
  HaddockFlags(..),  emptyHaddockFlags,  defaultHaddockFlags,  haddockCommand,
  HscolourFlags(..), emptyHscolourFlags, defaultHscolourFlags, hscolourCommand,
  BuildFlags(..),    emptyBuildFlags,    defaultBuildFlags,    buildCommand,
  ReplFlags(..),                         defaultReplFlags,     replCommand,
  CleanFlags(..),    emptyCleanFlags,    defaultCleanFlags,    cleanCommand,
  RegisterFlags(..), emptyRegisterFlags, defaultRegisterFlags, registerCommand,
  SDistFlags(..),    emptySDistFlags,    defaultSDistFlags,    sdistCommand,
  TestFlags(..),     emptyTestFlags,     defaultTestFlags,     testCommand,
  BenchmarkFlags(..), emptyBenchmarkFlags,
  defaultBenchmarkFlags, benchmarkCommand,
  configureArgs, configureOptions, configureCCompiler, configureLinker,
  buildOptions, haddockOptions, installDirsOptions,
  programConfigurationOptions, programConfigurationPaths',

  defaultDistPref, optionDistPref,

  boolOpt, boolOpt', trueArg, falseArg,
  optionVerbosity, optionNumJobs, readPToMaybe ) where

import Distribution.Compiler
import Distribution.ReadE
import Distribution.Text
import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.PackageDescription hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.Simple.Command hiding (boolOpt, boolOpt')
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Command as Command
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Utils.NubList
import Distribution.Compat.Binary (Binary)
import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup as Semi

import Control.Applicative as A ( Applicative(..), (<*) )
import Control.Monad            ( liftM )
import Data.List                ( sort )
import Data.Maybe               ( listToMaybe )
import Data.Char                ( isSpace, isAlpha )
import GHC.Generics             ( Generic )

-- FIXME Not sure where this should live
defaultDistPref :: FilePath
defaultDistPref = "dist"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Flag type
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | All flags are monoids, they come in two flavours:
-- 1. list flags eg
-- > --ghc-option=foo --ghc-option=bar
-- gives us all the values ["foo", "bar"]
-- 2. singular value flags, eg:
-- > --enable-foo --disable-foo
-- gives us Just False
-- So this Flag type is for the latter singular kind of flag.
-- Its monoid instance gives us the behaviour where it starts out as
-- 'NoFlag' and later flags override earlier ones.
data Flag a = Flag a | NoFlag deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Read)

instance Binary a => Binary (Flag a)

instance Functor Flag where
  fmap f (Flag x) = Flag (f x)
  fmap _ NoFlag  = NoFlag

instance Monoid (Flag a) where
  mempty = NoFlag
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup (Flag a) where
  _ <> f@(Flag _) = f
  f <> NoFlag     = f

instance Bounded a => Bounded (Flag a) where
  minBound = toFlag minBound
  maxBound = toFlag maxBound

instance Enum a => Enum (Flag a) where
  fromEnum = fromEnum . fromFlag
  toEnum   = toFlag   . toEnum
  enumFrom (Flag a) = map toFlag . enumFrom $ a
  enumFrom _        = []
  enumFromThen (Flag a) (Flag b) = toFlag `map` enumFromThen a b
  enumFromThen _        _        = []
  enumFromTo   (Flag a) (Flag b) = toFlag `map` enumFromTo a b
  enumFromTo   _        _        = []
  enumFromThenTo (Flag a) (Flag b) (Flag c) = toFlag `map` enumFromThenTo a b c
  enumFromThenTo _        _        _        = []

toFlag :: a -> Flag a
toFlag = Flag

fromFlag :: Flag a -> a
fromFlag (Flag x) = x
fromFlag NoFlag   = error "fromFlag NoFlag. Use fromFlagOrDefault"

fromFlagOrDefault :: a -> Flag a -> a
fromFlagOrDefault _   (Flag x) = x
fromFlagOrDefault def NoFlag   = def

flagToMaybe :: Flag a -> Maybe a
flagToMaybe (Flag x) = Just x
flagToMaybe NoFlag   = Nothing

flagToList :: Flag a -> [a]
flagToList (Flag x) = [x]
flagToList NoFlag   = []

allFlags :: [Flag Bool] -> Flag Bool
allFlags flags = if all (\f -> fromFlagOrDefault False f) flags
                 then Flag True
                 else NoFlag

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Global flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- In fact since individual flags types are monoids and these are just sets of
-- flags then they are also monoids pointwise. This turns out to be really
-- useful. The mempty is the set of empty flags and mappend allows us to
-- override specific flags. For example we can start with default flags and
-- override with the ones we get from a file or the command line, or both.

-- | Flags that apply at the top level, not to any sub-command.
data GlobalFlags = GlobalFlags {
    globalVersion        :: Flag Bool,
    globalNumericVersion :: Flag Bool
  } deriving (Generic)

defaultGlobalFlags :: GlobalFlags
defaultGlobalFlags  = GlobalFlags {
    globalVersion        = Flag False,
    globalNumericVersion = Flag False

globalCommand :: [Command action] -> CommandUI GlobalFlags
globalCommand commands = CommandUI
  { commandName         = ""
  , commandSynopsis     = ""
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
         "This Setup program uses the Haskell Cabal Infrastructure.\n"
      ++ "See http://www.haskell.org/cabal/ for more information.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " [GLOBAL FLAGS] [COMMAND [FLAGS]]\n"
  , commandDescription = Just $ \pname ->
        commands' = commands ++ [commandAddAction helpCommandUI undefined]
        cmdDescs = getNormalCommandDescriptions commands'
        maxlen    = maximum $ [length name | (name, _) <- cmdDescs]
        align str = str ++ replicate (maxlen - length str) ' '
      ++ unlines [ "  " ++ align name ++ "    " ++ descr
                 | (name, descr) <- cmdDescs ]
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "For more information about a command use\n"
      ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " COMMAND --help\n\n"
      ++ "Typical steps for installing Cabal packages:\n"
      ++ concat [ "  " ++ pname ++ " " ++ x ++ "\n"
                | x <- ["configure", "build", "install"]]
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultGlobalFlags
  , commandOptions      = \_ ->
      [option ['V'] ["version"]
         "Print version information"
         globalVersion (\v flags -> flags { globalVersion = v })
      ,option [] ["numeric-version"]
         "Print just the version number"
         globalNumericVersion (\v flags -> flags { globalNumericVersion = v })

emptyGlobalFlags :: GlobalFlags
emptyGlobalFlags = mempty

instance Monoid GlobalFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup GlobalFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Config flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Policy for relaxing upper bounds in dependencies. For example, given
-- 'build-depends: array >= 0.3 && < 0.5', are we allowed to relax the upper
-- bound and choose a version of 'array' that is greater or equal to 0.5? By
-- default the upper bounds are always strictly honored.
data AllowNewer =

  -- | Default: honor the upper bounds in all dependencies, never choose
  -- versions newer than allowed.

  -- | Ignore upper bounds in dependencies on the given packages.
  | AllowNewerSome [AllowNewerDep]

  -- | Ignore upper bounds in dependencies on all packages.
  | AllowNewerAll
  deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)

-- | Dependencies can be relaxed either for all packages in the install plan, or
-- only for some packages.
data AllowNewerDep = AllowNewerDep PackageName
                   | AllowNewerDepScoped PackageName PackageName
                   deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)

instance Text AllowNewerDep where
  disp (AllowNewerDep p0)          = disp p0
  disp (AllowNewerDepScoped p0 p1) = disp p0 Disp.<> Disp.colon Disp.<> disp p1

  parse = scopedP Parse.<++ normalP
      scopedP = AllowNewerDepScoped `fmap` parse A.<* Parse.char ':' A.<*> parse
      normalP = AllowNewerDep       `fmap` parse

instance Binary AllowNewer
instance Binary AllowNewerDep

instance Semigroup AllowNewer where
  AllowNewerNone       <> r                    = r
  l@AllowNewerAll      <> _                    = l
  l@(AllowNewerSome _) <> AllowNewerNone       = l
  (AllowNewerSome   _) <> r@AllowNewerAll      = r
  (AllowNewerSome   a) <> (AllowNewerSome b)   = AllowNewerSome (a ++ b)

instance Monoid AllowNewer where
  mempty  = AllowNewerNone
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

-- | Convert 'AllowNewer' to a boolean.
isAllowNewer :: AllowNewer -> Bool
isAllowNewer AllowNewerNone     = False
isAllowNewer (AllowNewerSome _) = True
isAllowNewer AllowNewerAll      = True

allowNewerParser :: Parse.ReadP r (Maybe AllowNewer)
allowNewerParser =
  (Just . AllowNewerSome) `fmap` Parse.sepBy1 parse (Parse.char ',')

allowNewerPrinter :: (Maybe AllowNewer) -> [Maybe String]
allowNewerPrinter Nothing                      = []
allowNewerPrinter (Just AllowNewerNone)        = []
allowNewerPrinter (Just AllowNewerAll)         = [Nothing]
allowNewerPrinter (Just (AllowNewerSome pkgs)) = map (Just . display) $ pkgs

-- | Flags to @configure@ command.
-- IMPORTANT: every time a new flag is added, 'D.C.Setup.filterConfigureFlags'
-- should be updated.
data ConfigFlags = ConfigFlags {
    --FIXME: the configPrograms is only here to pass info through to configure
    -- because the type of configure is constrained by the UserHooks.
    -- when we change UserHooks next we should pass the initial
    -- ProgramConfiguration directly and not via ConfigFlags
    configPrograms_     :: Last' ProgramConfiguration, -- ^All programs that
                                                       -- @cabal@ may run

    configProgramPaths  :: [(String, FilePath)], -- ^user specified programs paths
    configProgramArgs   :: [(String, [String])], -- ^user specified programs args
    configProgramPathExtra :: NubList FilePath,  -- ^Extend the $PATH
    configHcFlavor      :: Flag CompilerFlavor, -- ^The \"flavor\" of the
                                                -- compiler, such as GHC or
                                                -- JHC.
    configHcPath        :: Flag FilePath, -- ^given compiler location
    configHcPkg         :: Flag FilePath, -- ^given hc-pkg location
    configVanillaLib    :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable vanilla library
    configProfLib       :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable profiling in the library
    configSharedLib     :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Build shared library
    configDynExe        :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable dynamic linking of the
                                          -- executables.
    configProfExe       :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable profiling in the
                                          -- executables.
    configProf          :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable profiling in the library
                                          -- and executables.
    configProfDetail    :: Flag ProfDetailLevel, -- ^Profiling detail level
                                          --  in the library and executables.
    configProfLibDetail :: Flag ProfDetailLevel, -- ^Profiling  detail level
                                                 -- in the library
    configConfigureArgs :: [String],      -- ^Extra arguments to @configure@
    configOptimization  :: Flag OptimisationLevel,  -- ^Enable optimization.
    configProgPrefix    :: Flag PathTemplate, -- ^Installed executable prefix.
    configProgSuffix    :: Flag PathTemplate, -- ^Installed executable suffix.
    configInstallDirs   :: InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate), -- ^Installation
                                                            -- paths
    configScratchDir    :: Flag FilePath,
    configExtraLibDirs  :: [FilePath],   -- ^ path to search for extra libraries
    configExtraFrameworkDirs :: [FilePath],   -- ^ path to search for extra
                                              -- frameworks (OS X only)
    configExtraIncludeDirs :: [FilePath],   -- ^ path to search for header files
    configIPID          :: Flag String, -- ^ explicit IPID to be used

    configDistPref :: Flag FilePath, -- ^"dist" prefix
    configVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity, -- ^verbosity level
    configUserInstall :: Flag Bool,    -- ^The --user\/--global flag
    configPackageDBs :: [Maybe PackageDB], -- ^Which package DBs to use
    configGHCiLib   :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable compiling library for GHCi
    configSplitObjs :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable -split-objs with GHC
    configStripExes :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable executable stripping
    configStripLibs :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable library stripping
    configConstraints :: [Dependency], -- ^Additional constraints for
                                       -- dependencies.
    configDependencies :: [(PackageName, UnitId)],
      -- ^The packages depended on.
    configConfigurationsFlags :: FlagAssignment,
    configTests               :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable test suite compilation
    configBenchmarks          :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable benchmark compilation
    configCoverage :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable program coverage
    configLibCoverage :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable program coverage (deprecated)
    configExactConfiguration  :: Flag Bool,
      -- ^All direct dependencies and flags are provided on the command line by
      -- the user via the '--dependency' and '--flags' options.
    configFlagError :: Flag String,
      -- ^Halt and show an error message indicating an error in flag assignment
    configRelocatable :: Flag Bool, -- ^ Enable relocatable package built
    configDebugInfo :: Flag DebugInfoLevel,  -- ^ Emit debug info.
    configAllowNewer :: Maybe AllowNewer
    -- ^ Ignore upper bounds on all or some dependencies. Wrapped in 'Maybe' to
    -- distinguish between "default" and "explicitly disabled".
  deriving (Generic, Read, Show)

instance Binary ConfigFlags

-- | More convenient version of 'configPrograms'. Results in an
-- 'error' if internal invariant is violated.
configPrograms :: ConfigFlags -> ProgramConfiguration
configPrograms = maybe (error "FIXME: remove configPrograms") id . getLast' . configPrograms_

configAbsolutePaths :: ConfigFlags -> IO ConfigFlags
configAbsolutePaths f =
  (\v -> f { configPackageDBs = v })
  `liftM` mapM (maybe (return Nothing) (liftM Just . absolutePackageDBPath))
  (configPackageDBs f)

defaultConfigFlags :: ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags
defaultConfigFlags progConf = emptyConfigFlags {
    configPrograms_    = pure progConf,
    configHcFlavor     = maybe NoFlag Flag defaultCompilerFlavor,
    configVanillaLib   = Flag True,
    configProfLib      = NoFlag,
    configSharedLib    = NoFlag,
    configDynExe       = Flag False,
    configProfExe      = NoFlag,
    configProf         = NoFlag,
    configProfDetail   = NoFlag,
    configProfLibDetail= NoFlag,
    configOptimization = Flag NormalOptimisation,
    configProgPrefix   = Flag (toPathTemplate ""),
    configProgSuffix   = Flag (toPathTemplate ""),
    configDistPref     = NoFlag,
    configVerbosity    = Flag normal,
    configUserInstall  = Flag False,           --TODO: reverse this
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    -- See #1589.
    configGHCiLib      = Flag True,
    configGHCiLib      = NoFlag,
    configSplitObjs    = Flag False, -- takes longer, so turn off by default
    configStripExes    = Flag True,
    configStripLibs    = Flag True,
    configTests        = Flag False,
    configBenchmarks   = Flag False,
    configCoverage     = Flag False,
    configLibCoverage  = NoFlag,
    configExactConfiguration = Flag False,
    configFlagError    = NoFlag,
    configRelocatable  = Flag False,
    configDebugInfo    = Flag NoDebugInfo,
    configAllowNewer   = Nothing

configureCommand :: ProgramConfiguration -> CommandUI ConfigFlags
configureCommand progConf = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "configure"
  , commandSynopsis     = "Prepare to build the package."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
         "Configure how the package is built by setting "
      ++ "package (and other) flags.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "The configuration affects several other commands, "
      ++ "including build, test, bench, run, repl.\n"
  , commandNotes        = Just $ \_pname -> programFlagsDescription progConf
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " configure [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultConfigFlags progConf
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
         configureOptions showOrParseArgs
      ++ programConfigurationPaths   progConf showOrParseArgs
           configProgramPaths (\v fs -> fs { configProgramPaths = v })
      ++ programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs
           configProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { configProgramArgs = v })
      ++ programConfigurationOptions progConf showOrParseArgs
           configProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { configProgramArgs = v })

configureOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField ConfigFlags]
configureOptions showOrParseArgs =
      [optionVerbosity configVerbosity
       (\v flags -> flags { configVerbosity = v })
         configDistPref (\d flags -> flags { configDistPref = d })

      ,option [] ["compiler"] "compiler"
         configHcFlavor (\v flags -> flags { configHcFlavor = v })
         (choiceOpt [ (Flag GHC,   ("g", ["ghc"]),   "compile with GHC")
                    , (Flag GHCJS, ([] , ["ghcjs"]), "compile with GHCJS")
                    , (Flag JHC,   ([] , ["jhc"]),   "compile with JHC")
                    , (Flag LHC,   ([] , ["lhc"]),   "compile with LHC")
                    , (Flag UHC,   ([] , ["uhc"]),   "compile with UHC")
                    -- "haskell-suite" compiler id string will be replaced
                    -- by a more specific one during the configure stage
                    , (Flag (HaskellSuite "haskell-suite"), ([] , ["haskell-suite"]),
                        "compile with a haskell-suite compiler")])

      ,option "w" ["with-compiler"]
         "give the path to a particular compiler"
         configHcPath (\v flags -> flags { configHcPath = v })
         (reqArgFlag "PATH")

      ,option "" ["with-hc-pkg"]
         "give the path to the package tool"
         configHcPkg (\v flags -> flags { configHcPkg = v })
         (reqArgFlag "PATH")
   ++ map liftInstallDirs installDirsOptions
   ++ [option "" ["program-prefix"]
          "prefix to be applied to installed executables"
          (\v flags -> flags { configProgPrefix = v })
          (reqPathTemplateArgFlag "PREFIX")

      ,option "" ["program-suffix"]
          "suffix to be applied to installed executables"
          configProgSuffix (\v flags -> flags { configProgSuffix = v } )
          (reqPathTemplateArgFlag "SUFFIX")

      ,option "" ["library-vanilla"]
         "Vanilla libraries"
         configVanillaLib (\v flags -> flags { configVanillaLib = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "p" ["library-profiling"]
         "Library profiling"
         configProfLib (\v flags -> flags { configProfLib = v })
         (boolOpt "p" [])

      ,option "" ["shared"]
         "Shared library"
         configSharedLib (\v flags -> flags { configSharedLib = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["executable-dynamic"]
         "Executable dynamic linking"
         configDynExe (\v flags -> flags { configDynExe = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["profiling"]
         "Executable and library profiling"
         configProf (\v flags -> flags { configProf = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["executable-profiling"]
         "Executable profiling (DEPRECATED)"
         configProfExe (\v flags -> flags { configProfExe = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["profiling-detail"]
         ("Profiling detail level for executable and library (default, " ++
          "none, exported-functions, toplevel-functions,  all-functions).")
         configProfDetail (\v flags -> flags { configProfDetail = v })
         (reqArg' "level" (Flag . flagToProfDetailLevel)

      ,option "" ["library-profiling-detail"]
         "Profiling detail level for libraries only."
         configProfLibDetail (\v flags -> flags { configProfLibDetail = v })
         (reqArg' "level" (Flag . flagToProfDetailLevel)

      ,multiOption "optimization"
         configOptimization (\v flags -> flags { configOptimization = v })
         [optArg' "n" (Flag . flagToOptimisationLevel)
                     (\f -> case f of
                              Flag NoOptimisation      -> []
                              Flag NormalOptimisation  -> [Nothing]
                              Flag MaximumOptimisation -> [Just "2"]
                              _                        -> [])
                 "O" ["enable-optimization","enable-optimisation"]
                 "Build with optimization (n is 0--2, default is 1)",
          noArg (Flag NoOptimisation) []
                "Build without optimization"

      ,multiOption "debug-info"
         configDebugInfo (\v flags -> flags { configDebugInfo = v })
         [optArg' "n" (Flag . flagToDebugInfoLevel)
                     (\f -> case f of
                              Flag NoDebugInfo      -> []
                              Flag MinimalDebugInfo -> [Just "1"]
                              Flag NormalDebugInfo  -> [Nothing]
                              Flag MaximalDebugInfo -> [Just "3"]
                              _                     -> [])
                 "" ["enable-debug-info"]
                 "Emit debug info (n is 0--3, default is 0)",
          noArg (Flag NoDebugInfo) []
                "Don't emit debug info"

      ,option "" ["library-for-ghci"]
         "compile library for use with GHCi"
         configGHCiLib (\v flags -> flags { configGHCiLib = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["split-objs"]
         "split library into smaller objects to reduce binary sizes (GHC 6.6+)"
         configSplitObjs (\v flags -> flags { configSplitObjs = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["executable-stripping"]
         "strip executables upon installation to reduce binary sizes"
         configStripExes (\v flags -> flags { configStripExes = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["library-stripping"]
         "strip libraries upon installation to reduce binary sizes"
         configStripLibs (\v flags -> flags { configStripLibs = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["configure-option"]
         "Extra option for configure"
         configConfigureArgs (\v flags -> flags { configConfigureArgs = v })
         (reqArg' "OPT" (\x -> [x]) id)

      ,option "" ["user-install"]
         "doing a per-user installation"
         configUserInstall (\v flags -> flags { configUserInstall = v })
         (boolOpt' ([],["user"]) ([], ["global"]))

      ,option "" ["package-db"]
         (   "Append the given package database to the list of package"
          ++ " databases used (to satisfy dependencies and register into)."
          ++ " May be a specific file, 'global' or 'user'. The initial list"
          ++ " is ['global'], ['global', 'user'], or ['global', $sandbox],"
          ++ " depending on context. Use 'clear' to reset the list to empty."
          ++ " See the user guide for details.")
         configPackageDBs (\v flags -> flags { configPackageDBs = v })
         (reqArg' "DB" readPackageDbList showPackageDbList)

      ,option "f" ["flags"]
         "Force values for the given flags in Cabal conditionals in the .cabal file.  E.g., --flags=\"debug -usebytestrings\" forces the flag \"debug\" to true and \"usebytestrings\" to false."
         configConfigurationsFlags (\v flags -> flags { configConfigurationsFlags = v })
         (reqArg' "FLAGS" readFlagList showFlagList)

      ,option "" ["extra-include-dirs"]
         "A list of directories to search for header files"
         configExtraIncludeDirs (\v flags -> flags {configExtraIncludeDirs = v})
         (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> [x]) id)

      ,option "" ["ipid"]
         "Installed package ID to compile this package as"
         configIPID (\v flags -> flags {configIPID = v})
         (reqArgFlag "IPID")

      ,option "" ["extra-lib-dirs"]
         "A list of directories to search for external libraries"
         configExtraLibDirs (\v flags -> flags {configExtraLibDirs = v})
         (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> [x]) id)

      ,option "" ["extra-framework-dirs"]
         "A list of directories to search for external frameworks (OS X only)"
         (\v flags -> flags {configExtraFrameworkDirs = v})
         (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> [x]) id)

      ,option "" ["extra-prog-path"]
         "A list of directories to search for required programs (in addition to the normal search locations)"
         configProgramPathExtra (\v flags -> flags {configProgramPathExtra = v})
         (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> toNubList [x]) fromNubList)

      ,option "" ["constraint"]
         "A list of additional constraints on the dependencies."
         configConstraints (\v flags -> flags { configConstraints = v})
         (reqArg "DEPENDENCY"
                 (readP_to_E (const "dependency expected") ((\x -> [x]) `fmap` parse))
                 (map (\x -> display x)))

      ,option "" ["dependency"]
         "A list of exact dependencies. E.g., --dependency=\"void=void-0.5.8-177d5cdf20962d0581fe2e4932a6c309\""
         configDependencies (\v flags -> flags { configDependencies = v})
         (reqArg "NAME=ID"
                 (readP_to_E (const "dependency expected") ((\x -> [x]) `fmap` parseDependency))
                 (map (\x -> display (fst x) ++ "=" ++ display (snd x))))

      ,option "" ["tests"]
         "dependency checking and compilation for test suites listed in the package description file."
         configTests (\v flags -> flags { configTests = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["coverage"]
         "build package with Haskell Program Coverage. (GHC only)"
         configCoverage (\v flags -> flags { configCoverage = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["library-coverage"]
         "build package with Haskell Program Coverage. (GHC only) (DEPRECATED)"
         configLibCoverage (\v flags -> flags { configLibCoverage = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option [] ["allow-newer"]
       ("Ignore upper bounds in all dependencies or DEPS")
       configAllowNewer (\v flags -> flags { configAllowNewer = v})
       (optArg "DEPS"
        (readP_to_E ("Cannot parse the list of packages: " ++) allowNewerParser)
        (Just AllowNewerAll) allowNewerPrinter)

      ,option "" ["exact-configuration"]
         "All direct dependencies and flags are provided on the command line."
         (\v flags -> flags { configExactConfiguration = v })

      ,option "" ["benchmarks"]
         "dependency checking and compilation for benchmarks listed in the package description file."
         configBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { configBenchmarks = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["relocatable"]
         "building a package that is relocatable. (GHC only)"
         configRelocatable (\v flags -> flags { configRelocatable = v})
         (boolOpt [] [])
    readFlagList :: String -> FlagAssignment
    readFlagList = map tagWithValue . words
      where tagWithValue ('-':fname) = (FlagName (lowercase fname), False)
            tagWithValue fname       = (FlagName (lowercase fname), True)

    showFlagList :: FlagAssignment -> [String]
    showFlagList fs = [ if not set then '-':fname else fname
                      | (FlagName fname, set) <- fs]

    liftInstallDirs =
      liftOption configInstallDirs (\v flags -> flags { configInstallDirs = v })

    reqPathTemplateArgFlag title _sf _lf d get set =
      reqArgFlag title _sf _lf d
        (fmap fromPathTemplate . get) (set . fmap toPathTemplate)

readPackageDbList :: String -> [Maybe PackageDB]
readPackageDbList "clear"  = [Nothing]
readPackageDbList "global" = [Just GlobalPackageDB]
readPackageDbList "user"   = [Just UserPackageDB]
readPackageDbList other    = [Just (SpecificPackageDB other)]

showPackageDbList :: [Maybe PackageDB] -> [String]
showPackageDbList = map showPackageDb
    showPackageDb Nothing                       = "clear"
    showPackageDb (Just GlobalPackageDB)        = "global"
    showPackageDb (Just UserPackageDB)          = "user"
    showPackageDb (Just (SpecificPackageDB db)) = db

showProfDetailLevelFlag :: Flag ProfDetailLevel -> [String]
showProfDetailLevelFlag NoFlag    = []
showProfDetailLevelFlag (Flag dl) = [showProfDetailLevel dl]

parseDependency :: Parse.ReadP r (PackageName, UnitId)
parseDependency = do
  x <- parse
  _ <- Parse.char '='
  y <- parse
  return (x, y)

installDirsOptions :: [OptionField (InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate))]
installDirsOptions =
  [ option "" ["prefix"]
      "bake this prefix in preparation of installation"
      prefix (\v flags -> flags { prefix = v })

  , option "" ["bindir"]
      "installation directory for executables"
      bindir (\v flags -> flags { bindir = v })

  , option "" ["libdir"]
      "installation directory for libraries"
      libdir (\v flags -> flags { libdir = v })

  , option "" ["libsubdir"]
      "subdirectory of libdir in which libs are installed"
      libsubdir (\v flags -> flags { libsubdir = v })

  , option "" ["dynlibdir"]
      "installation directory for dynamic libraries"
      dynlibdir (\v flags -> flags { dynlibdir = v })

  , option "" ["libexecdir"]
      "installation directory for program executables"
      libexecdir (\v flags -> flags { libexecdir = v })

  , option "" ["datadir"]
      "installation directory for read-only data"
      datadir (\v flags -> flags { datadir = v })

  , option "" ["datasubdir"]
      "subdirectory of datadir in which data files are installed"
      datasubdir (\v flags -> flags { datasubdir = v })

  , option "" ["docdir"]
      "installation directory for documentation"
      docdir (\v flags -> flags { docdir = v })

  , option "" ["htmldir"]
      "installation directory for HTML documentation"
      htmldir (\v flags -> flags { htmldir = v })

  , option "" ["haddockdir"]
      "installation directory for haddock interfaces"
      haddockdir (\v flags -> flags { haddockdir = v })

  , option "" ["sysconfdir"]
      "installation directory for configuration files"
      sysconfdir (\v flags -> flags { sysconfdir = v })
    installDirArg _sf _lf d get set =
      reqArgFlag "DIR" _sf _lf d
        (fmap fromPathTemplate . get) (set . fmap toPathTemplate)

emptyConfigFlags :: ConfigFlags
emptyConfigFlags = mempty

instance Monoid ConfigFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup ConfigFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Copy flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Flags to @copy@: (destdir, copy-prefix (backwards compat), verbosity)
data CopyFlags = CopyFlags {
    copyDest      :: Flag CopyDest,
    copyDistPref  :: Flag FilePath,
    copyVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity
  deriving (Show, Generic)

defaultCopyFlags :: CopyFlags
defaultCopyFlags  = CopyFlags {
    copyDest      = Flag NoCopyDest,
    copyDistPref  = NoFlag,
    copyVerbosity = Flag normal

copyCommand :: CommandUI CopyFlags
copyCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "copy"
  , commandSynopsis     = "Copy the files into the install locations."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
          "Does not call register, and allows a prefix at install time. "
       ++ "Without the --destdir flag, configure determines location.\n"
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " copy [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultCopyFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [optionVerbosity copyVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { copyVerbosity = v })

         copyDistPref (\d flags -> flags { copyDistPref = d })

      ,option "" ["destdir"]
         "directory to copy files to, prepended to installation directories"
         copyDest (\v flags -> flags { copyDest = v })
         (reqArg "DIR" (succeedReadE (Flag . CopyTo))
                       (\f -> case f of Flag (CopyTo p) -> [p]; _ -> []))

emptyCopyFlags :: CopyFlags
emptyCopyFlags = mempty

instance Monoid CopyFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup CopyFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Install flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Flags to @install@: (package db, verbosity)
data InstallFlags = InstallFlags {
    installPackageDB :: Flag PackageDB,
    installDistPref  :: Flag FilePath,
    installUseWrapper :: Flag Bool,
    installInPlace    :: Flag Bool,
    installVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity
  deriving (Show, Generic)

defaultInstallFlags :: InstallFlags
defaultInstallFlags  = InstallFlags {
    installPackageDB = NoFlag,
    installDistPref  = NoFlag,
    installUseWrapper = Flag False,
    installInPlace    = Flag False,
    installVerbosity = Flag normal

installCommand :: CommandUI InstallFlags
installCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "install"
  , commandSynopsis     =
      "Copy the files into the install locations. Run register."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
         "Unlike the copy command, install calls the register command."
      ++ "If you want to install into a location that is not what was"
      ++ "specified in the configure step, use the copy command.\n"
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " install [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultInstallFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [optionVerbosity installVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { installVerbosity = v })
         installDistPref (\d flags -> flags { installDistPref = d })

      ,option "" ["inplace"]
         "install the package in the install subdirectory of the dist prefix, so it can be used without being installed"
         installInPlace (\v flags -> flags { installInPlace = v })

      ,option "" ["shell-wrappers"]
         "using shell script wrappers around executables"
         installUseWrapper (\v flags -> flags { installUseWrapper = v })
         (boolOpt [] [])

      ,option "" ["package-db"] ""
         installPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { installPackageDB = v })
         (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]),
                      "upon configuration register this package in the user's local package database")
                    , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]),
                      "(default) upon configuration register this package in the system-wide package database")])

emptyInstallFlags :: InstallFlags
emptyInstallFlags = mempty

instance Monoid InstallFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup InstallFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * SDist flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Flags to @sdist@: (snapshot, verbosity)
data SDistFlags = SDistFlags {
    sDistSnapshot    :: Flag Bool,
    sDistDirectory   :: Flag FilePath,
    sDistDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
    sDistListSources :: Flag FilePath,
    sDistVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity
  deriving (Show, Generic)

defaultSDistFlags :: SDistFlags
defaultSDistFlags = SDistFlags {
    sDistSnapshot    = Flag False,
    sDistDirectory   = mempty,
    sDistDistPref    = NoFlag,
    sDistListSources = mempty,
    sDistVerbosity   = Flag normal

sdistCommand :: CommandUI SDistFlags
sdistCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "sdist"
  , commandSynopsis     =
      "Generate a source distribution file (.tar.gz)."
  , commandDescription  = Nothing
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " sdist [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultSDistFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [optionVerbosity sDistVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { sDistVerbosity = v })
         sDistDistPref (\d flags -> flags { sDistDistPref = d })

      ,option "" ["list-sources"]
         "Just write a list of the package's sources to a file"
         sDistListSources (\v flags -> flags { sDistListSources = v })
         (reqArgFlag "FILE")

      ,option "" ["snapshot"]
         "Produce a snapshot source distribution"
         sDistSnapshot (\v flags -> flags { sDistSnapshot = v })

      ,option "" ["output-directory"]
       ("Generate a source distribution in the given directory, "
        ++ "without creating a tarball")
         sDistDirectory (\v flags -> flags { sDistDirectory = v })
         (reqArgFlag "DIR")

emptySDistFlags :: SDistFlags
emptySDistFlags = mempty

instance Monoid SDistFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup SDistFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Register flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Flags to @register@ and @unregister@: (user package, gen-script,
-- in-place, verbosity)
data RegisterFlags = RegisterFlags {
    regPackageDB   :: Flag PackageDB,
    regGenScript   :: Flag Bool,
    regGenPkgConf  :: Flag (Maybe FilePath),
    regInPlace     :: Flag Bool,
    regDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
    regPrintId     :: Flag Bool,
    regVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity
  deriving (Show, Generic)

defaultRegisterFlags :: RegisterFlags
defaultRegisterFlags = RegisterFlags {
    regPackageDB   = NoFlag,
    regGenScript   = Flag False,
    regGenPkgConf  = NoFlag,
    regInPlace     = Flag False,
    regDistPref    = NoFlag,
    regPrintId     = Flag False,
    regVerbosity   = Flag normal

registerCommand :: CommandUI RegisterFlags
registerCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "register"
  , commandSynopsis     =
      "Register this package with the compiler."
  , commandDescription  = Nothing
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " register [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultRegisterFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [optionVerbosity regVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { regVerbosity = v })
         regDistPref (\d flags -> flags { regDistPref = d })

      ,option "" ["packageDB"] ""
         regPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { regPackageDB = v })
         (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]),
                                "upon registration, register this package in the user's local package database")
                    , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]),
                                "(default)upon registration, register this package in the system-wide package database")])

      ,option "" ["inplace"]
         "register the package in the build location, so it can be used without being installed"
         regInPlace (\v flags -> flags { regInPlace = v })

      ,option "" ["gen-script"]
         "instead of registering, generate a script to register later"
         regGenScript (\v flags -> flags { regGenScript = v })

      ,option "" ["gen-pkg-config"]
         "instead of registering, generate a package registration file"
         regGenPkgConf (\v flags -> flags { regGenPkgConf  = v })
         (optArg' "PKG" Flag flagToList)

      ,option "" ["print-ipid"]
         "print the installed package ID calculated for this package"
         regPrintId (\v flags -> flags { regPrintId = v })

unregisterCommand :: CommandUI RegisterFlags
unregisterCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "unregister"
  , commandSynopsis     =
      "Unregister this package with the compiler."
  , commandDescription  = Nothing
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " unregister [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultRegisterFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [optionVerbosity regVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { regVerbosity = v })
         regDistPref (\d flags -> flags { regDistPref = d })

      ,option "" ["user"] ""
         regPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { regPackageDB = v })
         (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]),
                              "unregister this package in the user's local package database")
                    , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]),
                              "(default) unregister this package in the  system-wide package database")])

      ,option "" ["gen-script"]
         "Instead of performing the unregister command, generate a script to unregister later"
         regGenScript (\v flags -> flags { regGenScript = v })

emptyRegisterFlags :: RegisterFlags
emptyRegisterFlags = mempty

instance Monoid RegisterFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup RegisterFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * HsColour flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

data HscolourFlags = HscolourFlags {
    hscolourCSS         :: Flag FilePath,
    hscolourExecutables :: Flag Bool,
    hscolourTestSuites  :: Flag Bool,
    hscolourBenchmarks  :: Flag Bool,
    hscolourDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
    hscolourVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity
  deriving (Show, Generic)

emptyHscolourFlags :: HscolourFlags
emptyHscolourFlags = mempty

defaultHscolourFlags :: HscolourFlags
defaultHscolourFlags = HscolourFlags {
    hscolourCSS         = NoFlag,
    hscolourExecutables = Flag False,
    hscolourTestSuites  = Flag False,
    hscolourBenchmarks  = Flag False,
    hscolourDistPref    = NoFlag,
    hscolourVerbosity   = Flag normal

instance Monoid HscolourFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup HscolourFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

hscolourCommand :: CommandUI HscolourFlags
hscolourCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "hscolour"
  , commandSynopsis     =
      "Generate HsColour colourised code, in HTML format."
  , commandDescription  = Just (\_ -> "Requires the hscolour program.\n")
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " hscolour [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultHscolourFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [optionVerbosity hscolourVerbosity
       (\v flags -> flags { hscolourVerbosity = v })
         hscolourDistPref (\d flags -> flags { hscolourDistPref = d })

      ,option "" ["executables"]
         "Run hscolour for Executables targets"
         hscolourExecutables (\v flags -> flags { hscolourExecutables = v })

      ,option "" ["tests"]
         "Run hscolour for Test Suite targets"
         hscolourTestSuites (\v flags -> flags { hscolourTestSuites = v })

      ,option "" ["benchmarks"]
         "Run hscolour for Benchmark targets"
         hscolourBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { hscolourBenchmarks = v })

      ,option "" ["all"]
         "Run hscolour for all targets"
         (\f -> allFlags [ hscolourExecutables f
                         , hscolourTestSuites  f
                         , hscolourBenchmarks  f])
         (\v flags -> flags { hscolourExecutables = v
                            , hscolourTestSuites  = v
                            , hscolourBenchmarks  = v })

      ,option "" ["css"]
         "Use a cascading style sheet"
         hscolourCSS (\v flags -> flags { hscolourCSS = v })
         (reqArgFlag "PATH")

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Haddock flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | When we build haddock documentation, there are two cases:
-- 1. We build haddocks only for the current development version,
--    intended for local use and not for distribution. In this case,
--    we store the generated documentation in @<dist>/doc/html/<package name>@.
-- 2. We build haddocks for intended for uploading them to hackage.
--    In this case, we need to follow the layout that hackage expects
--    from documentation tarballs, and we might also want to use different
--    flags than for development builds, so in this case we store the generated
--    documentation in @<dist>/doc/html/<package id>-docs@.
data HaddockTarget = ForHackage | ForDevelopment deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

-- | Convert '--for-hackage' to 'HaddockTarget'.
haddockTargetFromFlag :: Flag Bool -> HaddockTarget
haddockTargetFromFlag NoFlag       = ForDevelopment
haddockTargetFromFlag (Flag False) = ForDevelopment
haddockTargetFromFlag (Flag True)  = ForHackage

data HaddockFlags = HaddockFlags {
    haddockProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)],
    haddockProgramArgs  :: [(String, [String])],
    haddockHoogle       :: Flag Bool,
    haddockHtml         :: Flag Bool,
    haddockHtmlLocation :: Flag String,
    haddockForHackage   :: Flag Bool,
    haddockExecutables  :: Flag Bool,
    haddockTestSuites   :: Flag Bool,
    haddockBenchmarks   :: Flag Bool,
    haddockInternal     :: Flag Bool,
    haddockCss          :: Flag FilePath,
    haddockHscolour     :: Flag Bool,
    haddockHscolourCss  :: Flag FilePath,
    haddockContents     :: Flag PathTemplate,
    haddockDistPref     :: Flag FilePath,
    haddockKeepTempFiles:: Flag Bool,
    haddockVerbosity    :: Flag Verbosity
  deriving (Show, Generic)

defaultHaddockFlags :: HaddockFlags
defaultHaddockFlags  = HaddockFlags {
    haddockProgramPaths = mempty,
    haddockProgramArgs  = [],
    haddockHoogle       = Flag False,
    haddockHtml         = Flag False,
    haddockHtmlLocation = NoFlag,
    haddockForHackage   = Flag False,
    haddockExecutables  = Flag False,
    haddockTestSuites   = Flag False,
    haddockBenchmarks   = Flag False,
    haddockInternal     = Flag False,
    haddockCss          = NoFlag,
    haddockHscolour     = Flag False,
    haddockHscolourCss  = NoFlag,
    haddockContents     = NoFlag,
    haddockDistPref     = NoFlag,
    haddockKeepTempFiles= Flag False,
    haddockVerbosity    = Flag normal

haddockCommand :: CommandUI HaddockFlags
haddockCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "haddock"
  , commandSynopsis     = "Generate Haddock HTML documentation."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ ->
      "Requires the program haddock, version 2.x.\n"
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " haddock [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultHaddockFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
         haddockOptions showOrParseArgs
      ++ programConfigurationPaths   progConf ParseArgs
             haddockProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { haddockProgramPaths = v})
      ++ programConfigurationOption  progConf showOrParseArgs
             haddockProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { haddockProgramArgs = v })
      ++ programConfigurationOptions progConf ParseArgs
             haddockProgramArgs  (\v flags -> flags { haddockProgramArgs = v})
    progConf = addKnownProgram haddockProgram
             $ addKnownProgram ghcProgram
             $ emptyProgramConfiguration

haddockOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField HaddockFlags]
haddockOptions showOrParseArgs =
  [optionVerbosity haddockVerbosity
   (\v flags -> flags { haddockVerbosity = v })
   haddockDistPref (\d flags -> flags { haddockDistPref = d })

  ,option "" ["keep-temp-files"]
   "Keep temporary files"
   haddockKeepTempFiles (\b flags -> flags { haddockKeepTempFiles = b })

  ,option "" ["hoogle"]
   "Generate a hoogle database"
   haddockHoogle (\v flags -> flags { haddockHoogle = v })

  ,option "" ["html"]
   "Generate HTML documentation (the default)"
   haddockHtml (\v flags -> flags { haddockHtml = v })

  ,option "" ["html-location"]
   "Location of HTML documentation for pre-requisite packages"
   haddockHtmlLocation (\v flags -> flags { haddockHtmlLocation = v })
   (reqArgFlag "URL")

  ,option "" ["for-hackage"]
   "Collection of flags to generate documentation suitable for upload to hackage"
   haddockForHackage (\v flags -> flags { haddockForHackage = v })

  ,option "" ["executables"]
   "Run haddock for Executables targets"
   haddockExecutables (\v flags -> flags { haddockExecutables = v })

  ,option "" ["tests"]
   "Run haddock for Test Suite targets"
   haddockTestSuites (\v flags -> flags { haddockTestSuites = v })

  ,option "" ["benchmarks"]
   "Run haddock for Benchmark targets"
   haddockBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { haddockBenchmarks = v })

  ,option "" ["all"]
   "Run haddock for all targets"
   (\f -> allFlags [ haddockExecutables f
                   , haddockTestSuites  f
                   , haddockBenchmarks  f])
         (\v flags -> flags { haddockExecutables = v
                            , haddockTestSuites  = v
                            , haddockBenchmarks  = v })

  ,option "" ["internal"]
   "Run haddock for internal modules and include all symbols"
   haddockInternal (\v flags -> flags { haddockInternal = v })

  ,option "" ["css"]
   "Use PATH as the haddock stylesheet"
   haddockCss (\v flags -> flags { haddockCss = v })
   (reqArgFlag "PATH")

  ,option "" ["hyperlink-source","hyperlink-sources"]
   "Hyperlink the documentation to the source code (using HsColour)"
   haddockHscolour (\v flags -> flags { haddockHscolour = v })

  ,option "" ["hscolour-css"]
   "Use PATH as the HsColour stylesheet"
   haddockHscolourCss (\v flags -> flags { haddockHscolourCss = v })
   (reqArgFlag "PATH")

  ,option "" ["contents-location"]
   "Bake URL in as the location for the contents page"
   haddockContents (\v flags -> flags { haddockContents = v })
   (reqArg' "URL"
    (toFlag . toPathTemplate)
    (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate))

emptyHaddockFlags :: HaddockFlags
emptyHaddockFlags = mempty

instance Monoid HaddockFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup HaddockFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Clean flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

data CleanFlags = CleanFlags {
    cleanSaveConf  :: Flag Bool,
    cleanDistPref  :: Flag FilePath,
    cleanVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity
  deriving (Show, Generic)

defaultCleanFlags :: CleanFlags
defaultCleanFlags  = CleanFlags {
    cleanSaveConf  = Flag False,
    cleanDistPref  = NoFlag,
    cleanVerbosity = Flag normal

cleanCommand :: CommandUI CleanFlags
cleanCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "clean"
  , commandSynopsis     = "Clean up after a build."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ ->
      "Removes .hi, .o, preprocessed sources, etc.\n"
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " clean [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultCleanFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [optionVerbosity cleanVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { cleanVerbosity = v })
         cleanDistPref (\d flags -> flags { cleanDistPref = d })

      ,option "s" ["save-configure"]
         "Do not remove the configuration file (dist/setup-config) during cleaning.  Saves need to reconfigure."
         cleanSaveConf (\v flags -> flags { cleanSaveConf = v })

emptyCleanFlags :: CleanFlags
emptyCleanFlags = mempty

instance Monoid CleanFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup CleanFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Build flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

data BuildFlags = BuildFlags {
    buildProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)],
    buildProgramArgs :: [(String, [String])],
    buildDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
    buildVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity,
    buildNumJobs     :: Flag (Maybe Int),
    -- TODO: this one should not be here, it's just that the silly
    -- UserHooks stop us from passing extra info in other ways
    buildArgs :: [String]
  deriving (Show, Generic)

{-# DEPRECATED buildVerbose "Use buildVerbosity instead" #-}
buildVerbose :: BuildFlags -> Verbosity
buildVerbose = fromFlagOrDefault normal . buildVerbosity

defaultBuildFlags :: BuildFlags
defaultBuildFlags  = BuildFlags {
    buildProgramPaths = mempty,
    buildProgramArgs = [],
    buildDistPref    = mempty,
    buildVerbosity   = Flag normal,
    buildNumJobs     = mempty,
    buildArgs        = []

buildCommand :: ProgramConfiguration -> CommandUI BuildFlags
buildCommand progConf = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "build"
  , commandSynopsis     = "Compile all/specific components."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
         "Components encompass executables, tests, and benchmarks.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "Affected by configuration options, see `configure`.\n"
  , commandNotes        = Just $ \pname ->
        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build           "
        ++ "    All the components in the package\n"
        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build foo       "
        ++ "    A component (i.e. lib, exe, test suite)\n\n"
        ++ programFlagsDescription progConf
--TODO: re-enable once we have support for module/file targets
--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build Foo.Bar   "
--        ++ "    A module\n"
--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build Foo/Bar.hs"
--        ++ "    A file\n\n"
--        ++ "If a target is ambiguous it can be qualified with the component "
--        ++ "name, e.g.\n"
--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build foo:Foo.Bar\n"
--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build testsuite1:Foo/Bar.hs\n"
  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "build" $
      [ "[FLAGS]"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultBuildFlags
  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [ optionVerbosity
        buildVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { buildVerbosity = v })

      , optionDistPref
        buildDistPref (\d flags -> flags { buildDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs
      ++ buildOptions progConf showOrParseArgs

buildOptions :: ProgramConfiguration -> ShowOrParseArgs
                -> [OptionField BuildFlags]
buildOptions progConf showOrParseArgs =
  [ optionNumJobs
      buildNumJobs (\v flags -> flags { buildNumJobs = v })

  ++ programConfigurationPaths progConf showOrParseArgs
       buildProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { buildProgramPaths = v})

  ++ programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs
       buildProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { buildProgramArgs = v })

  ++ programConfigurationOptions progConf showOrParseArgs
       buildProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { buildProgramArgs = v})

emptyBuildFlags :: BuildFlags
emptyBuildFlags = mempty

instance Monoid BuildFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup BuildFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * REPL Flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

data ReplFlags = ReplFlags {
    replProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)],
    replProgramArgs :: [(String, [String])],
    replDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
    replVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity,
    replReload      :: Flag Bool
  deriving (Show, Generic)

defaultReplFlags :: ReplFlags
defaultReplFlags  = ReplFlags {
    replProgramPaths = mempty,
    replProgramArgs = [],
    replDistPref    = NoFlag,
    replVerbosity   = Flag normal,
    replReload      = Flag False

instance Monoid ReplFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup ReplFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

replCommand :: ProgramConfiguration -> CommandUI ReplFlags
replCommand progConf = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "repl"
  , commandSynopsis     =
      "Open an interpreter session for the given component."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $
         "If the current directory contains no package, ignores COMPONENT "
      ++ "parameters and opens an interactive interpreter session; if a "
      ++ "sandbox is present, its package database will be used.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "Otherwise, (re)configures with the given or default flags, and "
      ++ "loads the interpreter with the relevant modules. For executables, "
      ++ "tests and benchmarks, loads the main module (and its "
      ++ "dependencies); for libraries all exposed/other modules.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "The default component is the library itself, or the executable "
      ++ "if that is the only component.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "Support for loading specific modules is planned but not "
      ++ "implemented yet. For certain scenarios, `" ++ pname
      ++ " exec -- ghci :l Foo` may be used instead. Note that `exec` will "
      ++ "not (re)configure and you will have to specify the location of "
      ++ "other modules, if required.\n"

  , commandNotes        = Just $ \pname ->
      ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl           "
      ++ "    The first component in the package\n"
      ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl foo       "
      ++ "    A named component (i.e. lib, exe, test suite)\n"
      ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl --ghc-options=\"-lstdc++\""
      ++ "  Specifying flags for interpreter\n"
--TODO: re-enable once we have support for module/file targets
--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl Foo.Bar   "
--        ++ "    A module\n"
--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl Foo/Bar.hs"
--        ++ "    A file\n\n"
--        ++ "If a target is ambiguous it can be qualified with the component "
--        ++ "name, e.g.\n"
--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl foo:Foo.Bar\n"
--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl testsuite1:Foo/Bar.hs\n"
  , commandUsage =  \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " repl [COMPONENT] [FLAGS]\n"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultReplFlags
  , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs ->
      optionVerbosity replVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { replVerbosity = v })
      : optionDistPref
          replDistPref (\d flags -> flags { replDistPref = d })

      : programConfigurationPaths   progConf showOrParseArgs
          replProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { replProgramPaths = v})

     ++ programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs
          replProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { replProgramArgs = v})

     ++ programConfigurationOptions progConf showOrParseArgs
          replProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { replProgramArgs = v})

     ++ case showOrParseArgs of
          ParseArgs ->
            [ option "" ["reload"]
              "Used from within an interpreter to update files."
              replReload (\v flags -> flags { replReload = v })
          _ -> []

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Test flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

data TestShowDetails = Never | Failures | Always | Streaming | Direct
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)

knownTestShowDetails :: [TestShowDetails]
knownTestShowDetails = [minBound..maxBound]

instance Text TestShowDetails where
    disp  = Disp.text . lowercase . show

    parse = maybe Parse.pfail return . classify =<< ident
        ident        = Parse.munch1 (\c -> isAlpha c || c == '_' || c == '-')
        classify str = lookup (lowercase str) enumMap
        enumMap     :: [(String, TestShowDetails)]
        enumMap      = [ (display x, x)
                       | x <- knownTestShowDetails ]

--TODO: do we need this instance?
instance Monoid TestShowDetails where
    mempty = Never
    mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup TestShowDetails where
    a <> b = if a < b then b else a

data TestFlags = TestFlags {
    testDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
    testVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity,
    testHumanLog    :: Flag PathTemplate,
    testMachineLog  :: Flag PathTemplate,
    testShowDetails :: Flag TestShowDetails,
    testKeepTix     :: Flag Bool,
    -- TODO: think about if/how options are passed to test exes
    testOptions     :: [PathTemplate]
  } deriving (Generic)

defaultTestFlags :: TestFlags
defaultTestFlags  = TestFlags {
    testDistPref    = NoFlag,
    testVerbosity   = Flag normal,
    testHumanLog    = toFlag $ toPathTemplate $ "$pkgid-$test-suite.log",
    testMachineLog  = toFlag $ toPathTemplate $ "$pkgid.log",
    testShowDetails = toFlag Failures,
    testKeepTix     = toFlag False,
    testOptions     = []

testCommand :: CommandUI TestFlags
testCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "test"
  , commandSynopsis     =
      "Run all/specific tests in the test suite."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $
         "If necessary (re)configures with `--enable-tests` flag and builds"
      ++ " the test suite.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "Remember that the tests' dependencies must be installed if there"
      ++ " are additional ones; e.g. with `" ++ pname
      ++ " install --only-dependencies --enable-tests`.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "By defining UserHooks in a custom Setup.hs, the package can"
      ++ " define actions to be executed before and after running tests.\n"
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "test"
      [ "[FLAGS]"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultTestFlags
  , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [ optionVerbosity testVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { testVerbosity = v })
      , optionDistPref
            testDistPref (\d flags -> flags { testDistPref = d })
      , option [] ["log"]
            ("Log all test suite results to file (name template can use "
            ++ "$pkgid, $compiler, $os, $arch, $test-suite, $result)")
            testHumanLog (\v flags -> flags { testHumanLog = v })
            (reqArg' "TEMPLATE"
                (toFlag . toPathTemplate)
                (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate))
      , option [] ["machine-log"]
            ("Produce a machine-readable log file (name template can use "
            ++ "$pkgid, $compiler, $os, $arch, $result)")
            testMachineLog (\v flags -> flags { testMachineLog = v })
            (reqArg' "TEMPLATE"
                (toFlag . toPathTemplate)
                (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate))
      , option [] ["show-details"]
            ("'always': always show results of individual test cases. "
             ++ "'never': never show results of individual test cases. "
             ++ "'failures': show results of failing test cases. "
             ++ "'streaming': show results of test cases in real time."
             ++ "'direct': send results of test cases in real time; no log file.")
            testShowDetails (\v flags -> flags { testShowDetails = v })
            (reqArg "FILTER"
                (readP_to_E (\_ -> "--show-details flag expects one of "
                              ++ intercalate ", "
                                   (map display knownTestShowDetails))
                            (fmap toFlag parse))
                (flagToList . fmap display))
      , option [] ["keep-tix-files"]
            "keep .tix files for HPC between test runs"
            testKeepTix (\v flags -> flags { testKeepTix = v})
      , option [] ["test-options"]
            ("give extra options to test executables "
             ++ "(name templates can use $pkgid, $compiler, "
             ++ "$os, $arch, $test-suite)")
            testOptions (\v flags -> flags { testOptions = v })
            (reqArg' "TEMPLATES" (map toPathTemplate . splitArgs)
                (const []))
      , option [] ["test-option"]
            ("give extra option to test executables "
             ++ "(no need to quote options containing spaces, "
             ++ "name template can use $pkgid, $compiler, "
             ++ "$os, $arch, $test-suite)")
            testOptions (\v flags -> flags { testOptions = v })
            (reqArg' "TEMPLATE" (\x -> [toPathTemplate x])
                (map fromPathTemplate))

emptyTestFlags :: TestFlags
emptyTestFlags  = mempty

instance Monoid TestFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup TestFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Benchmark flags
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

data BenchmarkFlags = BenchmarkFlags {
    benchmarkDistPref  :: Flag FilePath,
    benchmarkVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity,
    benchmarkOptions   :: [PathTemplate]
  } deriving (Generic)

defaultBenchmarkFlags :: BenchmarkFlags
defaultBenchmarkFlags  = BenchmarkFlags {
    benchmarkDistPref  = NoFlag,
    benchmarkVerbosity = Flag normal,
    benchmarkOptions   = []

benchmarkCommand :: CommandUI BenchmarkFlags
benchmarkCommand = CommandUI
  { commandName         = "bench"
  , commandSynopsis     =
      "Run all/specific benchmarks."
  , commandDescription  = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $
         "If necessary (re)configures with `--enable-benchmarks` flag and"
      ++ " builds the benchmarks.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "Remember that the benchmarks' dependencies must be installed if"
      ++ " there are additional ones; e.g. with `" ++ pname
      ++ " install --only-dependencies --enable-benchmarks`.\n"
      ++ "\n"
      ++ "By defining UserHooks in a custom Setup.hs, the package can"
      ++ " define actions to be executed before and after running"
      ++ " benchmarks.\n"
  , commandNotes        = Nothing
  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "bench"
      [ "[FLAGS]"
  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultBenchmarkFlags
  , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs ->
      [ optionVerbosity benchmarkVerbosity
        (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkVerbosity = v })
      , optionDistPref
            benchmarkDistPref (\d flags -> flags { benchmarkDistPref = d })
      , option [] ["benchmark-options"]
            ("give extra options to benchmark executables "
             ++ "(name templates can use $pkgid, $compiler, "
             ++ "$os, $arch, $benchmark)")
            benchmarkOptions (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkOptions = v })
            (reqArg' "TEMPLATES" (map toPathTemplate . splitArgs)
                (const []))
      , option [] ["benchmark-option"]
            ("give extra option to benchmark executables "
             ++ "(no need to quote options containing spaces, "
             ++ "name template can use $pkgid, $compiler, "
             ++ "$os, $arch, $benchmark)")
            benchmarkOptions (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkOptions = v })
            (reqArg' "TEMPLATE" (\x -> [toPathTemplate x])
                (map fromPathTemplate))

emptyBenchmarkFlags :: BenchmarkFlags
emptyBenchmarkFlags = mempty

instance Monoid BenchmarkFlags where
  mempty = gmempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup BenchmarkFlags where
  (<>) = gmappend

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Shared options utils
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

programFlagsDescription :: ProgramConfiguration -> String
programFlagsDescription progConf =
     "The flags --with-PROG and --PROG-option(s) can be used with"
  ++ " the following programs:"
  ++ (concatMap (\line -> "\n  " ++ unwords line) . wrapLine 77 . sort)
     [ programName prog | (prog, _) <- knownPrograms progConf ]
  ++ "\n"

-- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progConf', produce a @with-PROG@
-- 'OptionField'.
  :: ProgramConfiguration
  -> ShowOrParseArgs
  -> (flags -> [(String, FilePath)])
  -> ([(String, FilePath)] -> (flags -> flags))
  -> [OptionField flags]
programConfigurationPaths progConf showOrParseArgs get set =
  programConfigurationPaths' ("with-" ++) progConf showOrParseArgs get set

-- | Like 'programConfigurationPaths', but allows to customise the option name.
  :: (String -> String)
  -> ProgramConfiguration
  -> ShowOrParseArgs
  -> (flags -> [(String, FilePath)])
  -> ([(String, FilePath)] -> (flags -> flags))
  -> [OptionField flags]
programConfigurationPaths' mkName progConf showOrParseArgs get set =
  case showOrParseArgs of
    -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one:
    ShowArgs  -> [withProgramPath "PROG"]
    ParseArgs -> map (withProgramPath . programName . fst)
                 (knownPrograms progConf)
    withProgramPath prog =
      option "" [mkName prog]
        ("give the path to " ++ prog)
        get set
        (reqArg' "PATH" (\path -> [(prog, path)])
          (\progPaths -> [ path | (prog', path) <- progPaths, prog==prog' ]))

-- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progConf', produce a @PROG-option@
-- 'OptionField'.
  :: ProgramConfiguration
  -> ShowOrParseArgs
  -> (flags -> [(String, [String])])
  -> ([(String, [String])] -> (flags -> flags))
  -> [OptionField flags]
programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs get set =
  case showOrParseArgs of
    -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one:
    ShowArgs  -> [programOption "PROG"]
    ParseArgs -> map (programOption  . programName . fst)
                 (knownPrograms progConf)
    programOption prog =
      option "" [prog ++ "-option"]
        ("give an extra option to " ++ prog ++
         " (no need to quote options containing spaces)")
        get set
        (reqArg' "OPT" (\arg -> [(prog, [arg])])
           (\progArgs -> concat [ args
                                | (prog', args) <- progArgs, prog==prog' ]))

-- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progConf', produce a @PROG-options@
-- 'OptionField'.
  :: ProgramConfiguration
  -> ShowOrParseArgs
  -> (flags -> [(String, [String])])
  -> ([(String, [String])] -> (flags -> flags))
  -> [OptionField flags]
programConfigurationOptions progConf showOrParseArgs get set =
  case showOrParseArgs of
    -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one:
    ShowArgs  -> [programOptions  "PROG"]
    ParseArgs -> map (programOptions . programName . fst)
                 (knownPrograms progConf)
    programOptions prog =
      option "" [prog ++ "-options"]
        ("give extra options to " ++ prog)
        get set
        (reqArg' "OPTS" (\args -> [(prog, splitArgs args)]) (const []))

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * GetOpt Utils
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

boolOpt :: SFlags -> SFlags
           -> MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a
boolOpt  = Command.boolOpt  flagToMaybe Flag

boolOpt' :: OptFlags -> OptFlags
            -> MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a
boolOpt' = Command.boolOpt' flagToMaybe Flag

trueArg, falseArg :: MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a
trueArg  sfT lfT = boolOpt' (sfT, lfT) ([], [])   sfT lfT
falseArg sfF lfF = boolOpt' ([],  [])  (sfF, lfF) sfF lfF

reqArgFlag :: ArgPlaceHolder -> SFlags -> LFlags -> Description ->
              (b -> Flag String) -> (Flag String -> b -> b) -> OptDescr b
reqArgFlag ad = reqArg ad (succeedReadE Flag) flagToList

optionDistPref :: (flags -> Flag FilePath)
               -> (Flag FilePath -> flags -> flags)
               -> ShowOrParseArgs
               -> OptionField flags
optionDistPref get set = \showOrParseArgs ->
  option "" (distPrefFlagName showOrParseArgs)
    (   "The directory where Cabal puts generated build files "
     ++ "(default " ++ defaultDistPref ++ ")")
    get set
    (reqArgFlag "DIR")
    distPrefFlagName ShowArgs  = ["builddir"]
    distPrefFlagName ParseArgs = ["builddir", "distdir", "distpref"]

optionVerbosity :: (flags -> Flag Verbosity)
                -> (Flag Verbosity -> flags -> flags)
                -> OptionField flags
optionVerbosity get set =
  option "v" ["verbose"]
    "Control verbosity (n is 0--3, default verbosity level is 1)"
    get set
    (optArg "n" (fmap Flag flagToVerbosity)
                (Flag verbose) -- default Value if no n is given
                (fmap (Just . showForCabal) . flagToList))

optionNumJobs :: (flags -> Flag (Maybe Int))
              -> (Flag (Maybe Int) -> flags -> flags)
              -> OptionField flags
optionNumJobs get set =
  option "j" ["jobs"]
    "Run NUM jobs simultaneously (or '$ncpus' if no NUM is given)."
    get set
    (optArg "NUM" (fmap Flag numJobsParser)
                  (Flag Nothing)
                  (map (Just . maybe "$ncpus" show) . flagToList))
    numJobsParser :: ReadE (Maybe Int)
    numJobsParser = ReadE $ \s ->
      case s of
        "$ncpus" -> Right Nothing
        _        -> case reads s of
          [(n, "")]
            | n < 1     -> Left "The number of jobs should be 1 or more."
            | otherwise -> Right (Just n)
          _             -> Left "The jobs value should be a number or '$ncpus'"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Other Utils
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

readPToMaybe :: Parse.ReadP a a -> String -> Maybe a
readPToMaybe p str = listToMaybe [ r | (r,s) <- Parse.readP_to_S p str
                                     , all isSpace s ]

-- | Arguments to pass to a @configure@ script, e.g. generated by
-- @autoconf@.
configureArgs :: Bool -> ConfigFlags -> [String]
configureArgs bcHack flags
  = hc_flag
 ++ optFlag  "with-hc-pkg" configHcPkg
 ++ optFlag' "prefix"      prefix
 ++ optFlag' "bindir"      bindir
 ++ optFlag' "libdir"      libdir
 ++ optFlag' "libexecdir"  libexecdir
 ++ optFlag' "datadir"     datadir
 ++ optFlag' "sysconfdir"  sysconfdir
 ++ configConfigureArgs flags
        hc_flag = case (configHcFlavor flags, configHcPath flags) of
                        (_, Flag hc_path) -> [hc_flag_name ++ hc_path]
                        (Flag hc, NoFlag) -> [hc_flag_name ++ display hc]
                        (NoFlag,NoFlag)   -> []
            --TODO kill off thic bc hack when defaultUserHooks is removed.
            | bcHack    = "--with-hc="
            | otherwise = "--with-compiler="
        optFlag name config_field = case config_field flags of
                        Flag p -> ["--" ++ name ++ "=" ++ p]
                        NoFlag -> []
        optFlag' name config_field = optFlag name (fmap fromPathTemplate
                                                 . config_field
                                                 . configInstallDirs)

configureCCompiler :: Verbosity -> ProgramConfiguration
                      -> IO (FilePath, [String])
configureCCompiler verbosity lbi = configureProg verbosity lbi gccProgram

configureLinker :: Verbosity -> ProgramConfiguration -> IO (FilePath, [String])
configureLinker verbosity lbi = configureProg verbosity lbi ldProgram

configureProg :: Verbosity -> ProgramConfiguration -> Program
                 -> IO (FilePath, [String])
configureProg verbosity programConfig prog = do
    (p, _) <- requireProgram verbosity prog programConfig
    let pInv = programInvocation p []
    return (progInvokePath pInv, progInvokeArgs pInv)

-- | Helper function to split a string into a list of arguments.
-- It's supposed to handle quoted things sensibly, eg:
-- > splitArgs "--foo=\"C:\Program Files\Bar\" --baz"
-- >   = ["--foo=C:\Program Files\Bar", "--baz"]
splitArgs :: String -> [String]
splitArgs  = space []
    space :: String -> String -> [String]
    space w []      = word w []
    space w ( c :s)
        | isSpace c = word w (space [] s)
    space w ('"':s) = string w s
    space w s       = nonstring w s

    string :: String -> String -> [String]
    string w []      = word w []
    string w ('"':s) = space w s
    string w ( c :s) = string (c:w) s

    nonstring :: String -> String -> [String]
    nonstring w  []      = word w []
    nonstring w  ('"':s) = string w s
    nonstring w  ( c :s) = space (c:w) s

    word [] s = s
    word w  s = reverse w : s

-- The test cases kinda have to be rewritten from the ground up... :/
--hunitTests :: [Test]
--hunitTests =
--    let m = [("ghc", GHC), ("nhc98", NHC), ("hugs", Hugs)]
--        (flags, commands', unkFlags, ers)
--               = getOpt Permute options ["configure", "foobar", "--prefix=/foo", "--ghc", "--nhc98", "--hugs", "--with-compiler=/comp", "--unknown1", "--unknown2", "--install-prefix=/foo", "--user", "--global"]
--       in  [TestLabel "very basic option parsing" $ TestList [
--                 "getOpt flags" ~: "failed" ~:
--                 [Prefix "/foo", GhcFlag, NhcFlag, HugsFlag,
--                  WithCompiler "/comp", InstPrefix "/foo", UserFlag, GlobalFlag]
--                 ~=? flags,
--                 "getOpt commands" ~: "failed" ~: ["configure", "foobar"] ~=? commands',
--                 "getOpt unknown opts" ~: "failed" ~:
--                      ["--unknown1", "--unknown2"] ~=? unkFlags,
--                 "getOpt errors" ~: "failed" ~: [] ~=? ers],
--               TestLabel "test location of various compilers" $ TestList
--               ["configure parsing for prefix and compiler flag" ~: "failed" ~:
--                    (Right (ConfigCmd (Just comp, Nothing, Just "/usr/local"), []))
--                   ~=? (parseArgs ["--prefix=/usr/local", "--"++name, "configure"])
--                   | (name, comp) <- m],
--               TestLabel "find the package tool" $ TestList
--               ["configure parsing for prefix comp flag, withcompiler" ~: "failed" ~:
--                    (Right (ConfigCmd (Just comp, Just "/foo/comp", Just "/usr/local"), []))
--                   ~=? (parseArgs ["--prefix=/usr/local", "--"++name,
--                                   "--with-compiler=/foo/comp", "configure"])
--                   | (name, comp) <- m],
--               TestLabel "simpler commands" $ TestList
--               [flag ~: "failed" ~: (Right (flagCmd, [])) ~=? (parseArgs [flag])
--                   | (flag, flagCmd) <- [("build", BuildCmd),
--                                         ("install", InstallCmd Nothing False),
--                                         ("sdist", SDistCmd),
--                                         ("register", RegisterCmd False)]
--                  ]
--               ]

{- Testing ideas:
   * IO to look for hugs and hugs-pkg (which hugs, etc)
   * quickCheck to test permutations of arguments
   * what other options can we over-ride with a command-line flag?